Our Services

We  help your people to grow through the five stages of management either by coaching or training (using Guided Discovery) to give them knowledge and the confidence to use it. This could simply be to improve tolerance within their team or  to understand their people and what their preferred style of communication needs to be in order that effective communication can take place.

Whether it’s sales results, customer satisfaction or simply making your business environment more pleasant we can help.  Our focus is changing attitudes so that your people view work as an opportunity for them to give their best.  More importantly, we show people how to maintain this newfound energy that we all possess,  admittedly sometimes well hidden!   Every organisation seems to hit a barrier of one sort or another as it seeks growth.  Research has shown that the founder of the business has to change his/her “Role” seven times during the growth of the business. This is just one barrier to growth.  We use the Seven Stages of Entrepreneurial Growth Model to assist leaders to guide their businesses forward in a controlled fashion in a way that is both sustainable and profitable.